Vestasaircoil Top

We mention the Career Campus in job adverts

Knowledge, knowhow, and continuous product optimisation and development are the reasons why Vestas Aircoil performs well in the international competition concerned with industrial cooling. Almost anything that the company delivers is customised to the needs of its clients. For that reason, it is necessary to continuously develop the solutions that Vestas Aircoil produces.

To ensure innovation and new knowledge, the company collaborates with students from Denmark and other countries around the world.

- Right now, we have four phD students from the University of Southampton in England. Together, we are trying to figure out whether we can optimise air and water currents through a cooler, and whether we can use 3D print to extend the life on coolers which are exposed to vibrations from their surroundings, Manager of Research and Development, Claus H. Ibsen, says.

Since Vestas Aircoil is working with highly specialised knowledge, it is important that the company is able to attract business partners from all over the world. For that reason, students are regularly accommodated at the Career Campus. The campus gives the students a home while they are working at Vestas Aircoil and a network for them to spend their spare time with.

- If our students did not have a good network and a proper home while working here, I would fear that some of them might lose their motivation during their stay. No one can possibly stand living at a hotel for a year and a half. Now, I am finding out that they spend their weekends together and exchange practical experiences, for instance in terms of visa renewal. As a company, we would struggle to help them with some of these issues, Claus H. Ibsen says.

Vestas Aircoil has more than once had students return to the company after their stay at the Career Campus.

- I think it underlines just how important it is that we give our students a proper basis for their stay in our area. For that reason, I always mention the opportunity in our job adverts.

Ring til Majda

Majda Kadenic Overby

Majda Kadenic Overby

Koordinator for Career Campus

Mobil: 20418232


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