Naturkraft Maria Kjaergaard 22-02-2019 1

The Career Campus made things simple

Maria Kjærgaard moved into the Career Campus on 1 August 2018 because she had an internship at Naturkraft in Ringkøbing. After her internship, she was offered permanent employment, and she chose to stay at the Career Campus because she was so fond of her room.

- The Career Campus enables you to quickly establish a great social network when you are a newcomer. I come from Aarhus, and I don’t think that I would have had the energy to go meet new people if I had found an apartment in the city. At the Career Campus, it is easy to socialise. We have shared kitchen facilities, and people talk regardless of their age, culture, and professional competencies. It is quite instructive, and I get an insight into people’s lives and views of the world, Maria Kjærgaard says.

According to Maria Kjærgaard, one of the greatest advantages of staying at the Career Campus is that it is a package solution. This gives her more time to focus on her work.

- It is easy and convenient to move in. The room is furnished, internet and kitchen utensils are available, and you can go to the fitness centre or the public swimming pool. Everything is taken care of, and you can have the janitor fix any issues you may encounter. This has eased my mind and allowed me to focus on my work and my studies. I don’t think that my results would have been as good if I did not have the opportunity to stay here, Maria Kjærgaard says.

The comfort of staying in a safe environment has also given Maria Kjærgaard a great basis for getting familiar with Ringkøbing.

- I had the time to explore and fall in love with the city and the people who live here. I want to settle down in Ringkøbing, and for that reason I recommend other people to also make use of the opportunity. It is a great way to gain a large network and become familiar with the city.

Ring til Majda

Majda Kadenic Overby

Majda Kadenic Overby

Koordinator for Career Campus

Mobil: 20418232


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